Friends Fiduciary Supports Robust EU Sustainable Finance Framework
FFC joins investors calling on EU Commission to maintain core substance of reporting framework in light of intended establishment of omnibus legislation.
Friends Fiduciary Supports Safe and Harrassment-Free Workplaces
FFC signs on to support corporate action addressing violence and harassment within companies and their global supply chains.
Friends Fiduciary Supports Access to Affordable Medicines
FFC and fellow investors engage leading pharmaceutical companies on human right to affordable access to medicines
Friends Fiduciary Engages Large Asset Managers
FFC joins investors questioning large asset managers on slipping support of shareholder proposals
Friends Fiduciary Supports a Nuclear Weapons Free World
FFC signs on to initiative highlighting the risks nuclear weapons present to humanity.
FFC supports policy actions on Climate
FFC joins fellow investors signing on to a Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis.
Friends Fiduciary responds to House Judiciary Inquiry
FFC has responded to a house judiciary letter sent to over 130 other institutions on work in climate engagements.
FFC signs on to Investor Petition for Tax Transparency Rulemaking at SEC
FFC supports a petition for rulemaking to require disclosure of tax-relevant information for each country.
FFC insists on greater progress from AbbVie on Drug Affordability
Friends Fiduciary refiles proposal asking company to consider impacts on patient access when applying for patent exclusivities.
FFC continues to pressure Texas Instruments on the use of their products in Russian Weaponry
Friends Fiduciary files human rights due diligence proposal as TI’s dual use components continue to be found in Russian weaponry recovered in Ukraine.