The Elizabeth T. Taylor Trust
History of the Elizabeth T. Taylor Trust
In 1957, Elizabeth Eyre Thomson Taylor, a lifetime member of Abington Monthly Meeting and a longtime member of the Abington Friends School, established a trust to continue her generous and varied support of charities. Over the years, other members of the Taylor family made contributions to the fund with the clear intent of supporting Quaker organizations. Historically, the Fund has typically, but not exclusively, granted to organizations in the greater Philadelphia area with the following priorities:
Friends educational institutions, particularly those serving Young Friends;
Quaker organizations that promote improved housing and community relations; and
Initiatives that encourage inter-visitation among Friends.
Friends Fiduciary, the fund’s managing and distributing trustee, is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of its work as an authentic expression of its Quaker values. In making grant awards, consideration will be given to how the organization and or the project support DEI cognizance.
Application Guidelines for Eligibility of the Elizabeth T. Taylor Trust
The Taylor Trust will make only one grant within a three-year period to any single institution or organization. Each grant is made for one year only and the maximum award is $10,000 per grantee. The Trust does not make loans, grants to individuals, nor grants that are basically for recurring operational budget items.
How to Apply
Application is made using the Quaker Grant Makers Common Form. The grant request may include, but is not required to include, additional narrative and supporting materials over and above what is requested on the Common Form. In addition to the Common Form requirements, the following information must accompany each application:
A description or summary of data describing how the proposed project or program will decisively support diversity and inclusion within the applying organization; and
Electronic versions of your organization’s most recent audited financial statement and/or IRS Form 990 must be e-mailed to with “Taylor Financials” as the subject line. No hard copy is required. If your organization is not required to file a 990, please indicate the reason in the submitted materials.
Your organization’s application and accompanying materials must be received by October 1st for consideration. Applications and accompanying materials must be emailed to with “Taylor Application” as the subject line, by the stated deadline. No hard copy is required. Applicants will be notified of decisions on or after December 1st following the application date. Successful applicants will receive granted funds before January 15th.
Reports on Taylor Trust grants will be expected within one year of application date unless otherwise stated in the award letter.