The Emlen Institution Fund, burlington, New jersey, established 1837, Quaker, scholarships small Quaker Schools, 1977 to FFC, African American and Native American students
History of the Emlen Institution Fund
The Emlen Institution Fund was established by the will of Samuel Emlen of Burlington, New Jersey who died in 1837. Although the language is rather dated, there is a clear purpose, “of founding or Supporting in one of the Non Slaveholding States of this Union or in the now British Territories of the Canadas in their discretion an Institution for the Education maintenance and Instruction in School learning and in Agriculture and Mechanic Trades or Arts” of children of African and Native American descent. In 1977, the Emlen Institution Fund came under the care of FFC. Today the Emlen Institution supports African American and Native American students in several Quaker elementary schools that have racially diverse student bodies.
Application Guidelines for Eligibility
These donor restricted grants are for Friends schools that meet the following criteria:
Small elementary schools (enrollment under 250 students)
Schools that have a total of 12% or more students who identify as African-American or 6% or more Native-American according to the annual diversity statistics collected by the Friends Council on Education via NAIS DASL online statistics database. Schools must participate in the NAIS DASL data collection.
These funds are intended to be in addition to the school’s own financial aid awards.
Funds are to be distributed toward the tuition for an African-American or Native American student who, because of financial need, would otherwise be unable to attend the school.
Schools are encouraged to use Emlen Funds to supplement financial aid for one or two students to provide a meaningfully grant that makes it possible for the student to attend the school.
How to Apply
Emlen Funds are awarded by Friends Fiduciary’s Charitable Services Committee and Friends Council on Education serves as a partner in identifying schools and students that are eligible to receive grants.
On or before April 1st, applications to the Emlen Fund must be emailed to Friends Council on Education’s Director of Operations to request funding for the upcoming school year. Schools must include the first name and last initial of the student(s) full name, grade they will be entering in the upcoming school year, and a two or three sentence description of the student and their need for financial aid beyond what the school and other sources are able to provide.
If a student at your school is currently receiving Emlen funding, a report must be emailed to Friends Council on Education’s Director of Operations by April 1st identifying the first name and last initial of the student(s) full name, grade of the student recipient(s), and reporting (200 words or less) on the student’s progress in the current academic year. If the student is reenrolling for the upcoming school year and there is a continuing need for funding assistance, include that information in the report and provide a statement that the family continues to need tuition assistance.
Reports and applications must be emailed to Friends Council on Education’s Director of Operations by April 1st of each year. Friends Fiduciary reviews and determines grant recipients in early May and grant awards are sent in early July for the upcoming academic year. If materials are received after the deadline it is possible that granting funds may already be allocated and exhausted.