The Tyson Memorial Fund

History of the Tyson Memorial Fund

The Tyson Memorial Fund was established in 1981 as a Trust of Friends Fiduciary Corporation. It was founded by Geraldine Tyson, Natalie S. Tyson, Evelyn Tyson, and Mary Tyson Janney, who were longtime members of Abington Monthly Meeting of Friends. The income from this fund is granted to Friends institutions and Meetings within Philadelphia Yearly Meeting which have some special need, with particular emphasis on furthering Friends education, religious interests, or services to the elderly.

Priorities of the Tyson Memorial Fund

The Tyson Memorial Fund will make only one grant within a three-year period to any single institution or organization. The primary geographic area of interest is the Abington, Pennsylvnia region. Each grant is made for one year only. Grants generally range from $5,000 to $50,000 with the typical grant not exceeding $25,000. The Fund does not make loans, grants to individuals, or grants that are basically recurring operational budget items. The distribution committee has a strong preference that project costs be shared and looks for evidence of support from a broad constituency.

How to Apply

Application is made using the Quaker Grant Makers Common Form. The grant request may include, but is not required to include, additional narrative and supporting materials over and above what is requested on the Common Form. If the applicant is a Friends school, please supply percentage of Quaker students, faculty and staff, and board members. Describe – and quantify the effectiveness of – your school’s specific program to increase services to enable children of Quaker families to receive a Quaker education. Priority will be given to schools that have effective programs to increase the percentage of Quaker students, staff and board members.

Your organization’s application and accompanying materials must be received by April 1st for spring-summer consideration or by October 1st for fall-winter consideration. Applicants will hear of decisions on or after July 1st and January 1st following the application dates indicated. Reports on Tyson Memorial Fund grants will be expected within one year of application date unless otherwise stated by the Tyson Distribution Committee. Applications and accompanying materials must be emailed to with “Tyson Application” as the subject line by the stated deadline. No hard copy is required.